Gold Standard

Government Related Resources

Carbon Market Regulations Tracker

The Carbon Market Regulations Tracker is developed to enhance the understanding and transparency of carbon market regulations, and support governments, project developers, investors, and other market participants in navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.

The tracker serves as a central information hub, offering standardised summaries and direct links to relevant regulations concerning baseline-and-crediting market activities, within voluntary carbon markets and those under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. 

Carbon Market Regulations Tracker

Gold Standard VERs under Carbon Pricing Policies

Use of Gold Standard VERs under Carbon Pricing Policies

A growing number of countries have introduced carbon pricing policies, placing a price on GHG emissions through carbon taxes, emissions trading systems or other mechanisms. 

Gold Standard-issued VERs are eligible for use under four national carbon taxes globally, allowing companies to use VERs to meet some or all of their tax compliance obligations. By taking this route, companies can provide finance for activities delivering certified impact towards climate security and sustainable development, under our internationally-recognised standard. 

Gold Standard VERs are currently eligible under carbon taxes in four countries globally. Country specific guidance documents can be downloaded by clicking on the country names below:

Guidance provided by Gold Standard for the retirement of VERs towards compliance taxes should be read alongside regulations and guidelines provided by the relevant national authorities. 

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