Gold Standard


Supporting authorisations under article 6 of the Paris agreement

With the Article 6 rulebook still relatively fresh, there has to date been only limited practical experience in the process of project developers seeking an authorisation from a host country. While there are some similarities to the now-familiar process of seeking approval under the Clean Development Mechanism, much is now different.

Lessons learned and key considerations

With the Article 6 rulebook still relatively fresh, there has to date been only limited practical experience in the process of project developers seeking an authorisation from a host country. While there are some similarities to the now-familiar process of seeking approval under the Clean Development Mechanism, much is now different.

Under Gold Standard’s Article 6 Early Mover Programme, Perspectives Climate Group GmbH, and Atlas Environmental Law Advisory were asked to lead a piloting initiative through the second half of 2022, supporting a small group of activity developers in the process of preparing for authorisations under Article 6.2. This initiative was intended to build capacity on the part of both the project developer and the host country, as well as to identify lessons and trends that could inform future implementation of Article 6.

This report highlights lessons learned and best practice actions identified through the piloting initiative, as well as providing an overview of the key elements, processes, and considerations relevant to authorisation, and an analysis of the various actors and processes that shape the dynamic landscape of market-based cooperation under Article 6.

This report has been prepared by Perspectives Climate Group under the Article 6 Early Mover Programme, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany (BMWK).