Gold Standard


A blueprint for engaging in cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Following the adoption of an Article 6 Rulebook at COP26, governments across the world are exploring the potential for international market-based cooperation to support their national objectives for climate mitigation and sustainable development.

As part of this, many governments are considering how best to translate the international rules adopted under the UNFCCC into national frameworks and processes, to ensure compliance with international rules while tailoring their approach to suit national circumstances and priorities.

Under Gold Standard’s Article 6 Early Mover Programme, we have today published a blueprint intended to guide governments through some of the key decisions and actions required to use Article 6. The blueprint seeks to provide guidance spanning all stages of Article 6 implementation, including initial preparations, authorisation of mitigation outcomes, and reporting and accounting, as well as providing guidance on how actions by the UNFCCC, governments and the private sector interact.

This blueprint was first developed and shared as an input to public and private sector workshops on the implementation of Article 6, held in Kampala, Uganda, on 18 and 19 October 2022. The intention was to illustrate key milestones for governments and other entities in the process of engaging in Article 6, and to provide a basis for discussion amongst participants on the most nationally appropriate approach to implement Article 6 within Uganda.

This is part of Gold Standard’s Article 6 Early Mover Programme, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany (BMWK), and the blueprint and supporting workshops were implemented in collaboration with the Climate Change Department of the Government of Uganda, the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance, and GIZ’s Global Carbon Markets Programme.