Gold Standard for the Global Goals enables developers to design projects for maximum positive impact and quantify outcomes toward climate security and sustainable development in the most credible way. To date, our standard has been used by over 500 project developers to design more than 3400 projects in over 100 countries across the world.


With an international reputation for high quality, Gold Standard carbon credits are purchased by major companies and institutions and are eligible in a growing number of compliance systems globally. Meanwhile Gold Standard verified impact statements are used by investors to reduce risk and ensure funds invested are delivering credible and meaningful results.


Certification to Gold Standard enables projects to maximise impact, participate in multiple markets and schemes and ensure the highest levels of integrity to create the most value for the project and its communities.

Gold Standard has five key principles that all projects need to comply with to achieve Gold Standard certification.

High-level overview of the current and upcoming methodologies eligible under Gold Standard for the Global Goals.

The standard is grouped by scope and purpose, and it can be customised to feature the relevant requirements, safeguards, and methodologies based on what an initiative aims to achieve. 

The Gold Standard Impact Registry is a public database used to view and track project activities, transactions and sustainable development impacts.

A step-by-step guide to the process for certifying projects and programmes to Gold Standard for the Global Goals.

The fee schedule for certifying a project under Gold Standard for the Global Goals.

Overview of the market initiatives that Gold Standard convenes or participates in to support the project developer community.

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