Project planning is a key stage of any climate and development initiative. Before embarking on the Gold Standard certification process project developers are encouraged to review the relevant methodologies, standard documentation and terms of use to check that the project meets the Gold Standard for the Global Goals principles and requirements and could be eligible for Gold Standard certification.
Before the project starts, Project Developers should:
1. Identify if there is an applicable methodology for the proposed project.
2. Once you have found your methodology, the next step is to check project eligibility within the Principles & Requirements and the relevant Project Activity Requirements.
3. For projects that plan to issue Gold Standard carbon credits, additional requirements are located in the GHG emission reductions and sequestration product requirements.
projects need to apply the latest version of the methodology and any applicable tools at the time of first submission (preliminary review). For transition projects please refer to Annex B of the GHG Emission Reductions & Sequestration Product Requirements for more information.
4. Confirm the basic project design and assess against Gold Standard safeguarding principles.
Start to prepare a document that summarises the key project information, including initial estimates for the climate and sustainable development impacts.
Once project planning has been completed and a summary of the key project information is developed. Projects can start the stakeholder consultation process.
Stakeholder consultations and meaningful engagement with those who may be affected by a project is an essential element for ensuring the success and sustainability of a project. As part of the Gold Standard certification process projects must hold a Stakeholder Consultation Meeting following these requirements. Additional guidelines have been developed to provide support and practical examples to project developers when applying the requirements.
Once the stakeholder consultation process has been completed a project will have the necessary documentation to move onto a Preliminary Review.
The Preliminary Review considers whether a project has the potential to conform to the Gold Standard Requirements and may therefore progress to “listed” status. To reach this decision Gold Standard will review the draft documentation submitted. The Gold Standard may request clarifications if/where required.
Projects must:
Documents are submitted by creating and submitting a request for ‘Preliminary Review’ within the Gold Standard Assurance Platform.
A login for the Assurance Platform is automatically set-up and provided when an account is opened on the Gold Standard Impact Registry. For existing projects, you can request access to the Assurance Platform by submitting the Assurance Platform Access Form.
Assurance Platform Project Developer Manuals have been developed to provide more information on how to use the platform, including how to upload documentation and submit for review.
Fee: View the relevant on the Gold Standard Fee Schedule.
Approval of the Preliminary Review by Gold Standard results in “GOLD STANDARD PROJECT LISTED” status - making the project publicly visible in the Impact Registry, enabling promotion of the project as per the Claims Guidelines and giving the project the green light to proceed to validation.
Project developers are required to pull together all the documentation, assessments, impact estimates and any other additional evidence or information required to submit the project for validation with Gold Standard approved Validation and Verification Body (VVB).
To apply for Gold Standard certification, projects need to demonstrate compliance with Gold Standard for the Global Goals principles and requirements.
Validation that a project meets these principles and requirements is done through an independent assessment conducted by a Gold Standard approved validation and verification body (VVB), appointed by the project developer. This step may consist of a field visit or a desk-based review and provides impartial confirmation that the project's design and monitoring system is in line with the GS4GG Requirements and that the project can indeed achieve the expected impact. Validation must be successfully completed within two years of the date of 'listing' the project.
To undertake a third-party validation, projects must:
- A Safeguarding Principles Assessment to demonstrate that the project does no harm - submitted as part of the digital SDG Impact Tool.
- Monitoring Plan, to show how the project's impact can be credibly and conservatively monitored, reported on, and verified throughout the project's lifetime. Exports from the digital SDG Impact Tool can be used, where relevant, to complete the information in the monitoring plan.
Once the VVB has completed the validation, the VVB will upload the final validation report and any other relevant documentation directly into the Assurance Platform. On submission of the documents, the Gold Standard Assurance and Review Management (ARM) Team will conduct a completeness check and notify the VVB and project developer the documents are ready for design review.
Assurance Platform Manuals have been developed to provide more information on how to use the platform, including how to submit documentation for validation.
Validation timelines are to be scheduled with the contracted VVB directly.
The Design Review is a quality check of the documentation after a positive validation is given by the Gold Standard approved VVB. On approval, the project will appear as ‘Certified Design’ in the Gold Standard Impact Registry.
Once the third-party validation has been completed the VVB will upload the final validation report and any other relevant documentation onto the Assurance Platform and submit for Design Certification. Gold Standard will conduct a completeness check and then initiate the global consultation - which will run for two weeks in parallel with the design review - and assign an expert to conduct a quality check of the project documents and validation report to ensure the accuracy, consistency and compliance of the project. Review findings are submitted to the GS-VVB and project developer through the platform. The GS-VVB will review these findings and, if applicable, make any necessary changes to the certification decision and submit to Gold Standard.
To initiate the design review, projects must:
Ensure all documents are fully completed and submitted in time to pass the ‘completeness check’ to avoid any unnecessary delays.
Key Criteria Checked:
Approval results in “GOLD STANDARD CERTIFIED DESIGN ” status.
This means that documentation, including the PDD, Monitoring + Reporting Plan and final Validation Report are made public. The project can be promoted according to the Claims Guidelines and project becomes eligible to move forward to Performance Certification.
The Project Developer implements the project and its monitoring system according to the certified project design.
Verification of the project activity involves an independent assessment conducted by an accredited and Gold Standard Approved Validation and Verification Body (VVB), appointed by the project developer. This consists of a site visit and/or desk-based review and provides independent confirmation that the project and its impacts are in line with the Gold Standard Requirements and relevant methodology(ies).
Once the VVB has completed the verification, the VVB will upload the final verification report and any other relevant documentation directly into the Assurance Platform. On submission of the documents, the Gold Standard Assurance and Review Management (ARM) Team will conduct a completeness check and notify the VVB the documents are ready for performance review.
Assurance Platform Manuals have been developed to provide more information on how to use the platform, including how to submit documentation for verification.
The Performance Review is a quality check of the documentation after a positive verification is given by the Gold Standard approved VVB. On approval, the project will appear as a ‘Certified Project’ in the Gold Standard Impact Registry.
Once the third-party verification is completed, the VVB will upload the final verification report and any other relevant documentation onto the Assurance Platform. Gold Standard will conduct a completeness check and then initiate the global consultation - which will run for two weeks in parallel with the performance review - and assign an expert to conduct a quality check of the project documents and verification report to ensure the accuracy, consistency and compliance of the project. Review findings are submitted to the GS-VVB and the project developer through the platform. The GS-VVB will review these findings and, if applicable, make any necessary changes to the certification decision and submit directly to Gold Standard. Gold Standard will issue the certification outcomes, including carbon credits where relevant, into the Gold Standard Impact Registry based on the decision provided by the GS-VVB.
Ensure all documents are fully completed and submitted in time to pass the ‘completeness check’ to avoid any unnecessary delays.
Key Criteria Checked:
Approval results in “CERTIFIED GOLD STANDARD PROJECT” status.
Once a project has received ‘Certified Project Status’ it can choose to issue Gold Standard certified products (including carbon credits) and/or impact statements.
View the Gold Standard Fee schedule for information on issuance fees.
Claims guidelines assist project developers, fund managers, partners, supporters, purchasers and claimants of certificates/credits and investors in communicating accurately and appropriately about the certification status of projects and funds as well as climate and development impacts derived from Gold Standard-certified projects, programmes and funds.
To maintain Gold Standard Certified Project status beyond five years, a project must undergo Design Certification Renewal. To renew a project’s certified design, it needs to apply the newest versions of the methodologies, tools and standard documents, demonstrate ongoing finance need, redefine the baseline scenario, and update its monitoring system accordingly. These updates are then validated by a third-party approved Validation and Verification Body.
Once the VVB has completed the re-validation, the VVB will upload the final validation report and any other relevant documentation directly into the assurance platform (ADD LINK). On submission of the documents, the Gold Standard ARM Team will conduct a completeness check and notify the VVB the documents are ready for review.
Once the third-party validation for design certification renewal the VVB will upload the final documents to the Assurance Platform. Gold Standard will conduct a completeness check and then initiate the global consultation - which will run for two weeks in parallel with the design certification renewal - and assign an expert to conduct a quality check of the project documents to ensure the accuracy, consistency and compliance of the project. Review findings are submitted to the GS-VVB through the platform. The GS-VVB will review these findings and, if applicable, make any necessary changes to the certification decision and submit directly to Gold Standard.
Review Response Timelines: Project developers and VVBs must meet specific deadlines when responding to CARs, CLs, and observations. Completeness check responses are due within two weeks, while responses to crediting period renewal (design certification renewal) review are due within six weeks. Missing these deadlines will result in request rejection, requiring a new review request to be submitted. This review request will not incur an additional payment.
Eligible projects can transition from other standards to Gold Standard for the Global Goals. More information, including the eligibility criteria, requirements and procedures, are included in ANNEX B of the GHG Emission Reduction and Sequestration Product Requirements and guidance is available in Transition Procedure for Transitioning Projects from Other Standards to Gold Standard for the Global Goals. You can find the relevant documents and templates in the Project Transition Page.
Once a project design is certified, it must be implemented as described in the Project Design Document. Any significant, permanent changes or corrections, including of project size, installed capacity, methodology used, crediting period start date, etc. must be submitted for review and re-certification in the form of a formal request for a design change.
The procedure for a design change doesn’t apply to temporary deviations. There is a deviation process to support these short-term amendments.
To submit a request for a design change project developers need to follow the requirements outlines in Annex A of the Principles and Requirements.
The template for submitting a design change is located in the Design Document templates (i.e. PDD | PoA DD | VPA DD). Design changes are submitted to the certification body. Upon receipt of the formal request for a design change and once payment of the design change fee has been received a review is conducted.
For the review the following documentation must be submitted to the Gold Standard Assurance Platform by submitting a Request for a Design Change:
Review Response Timelines: Project developers and VVBs must meet specific deadlines when responding to CARs, CLs, and observations. Completeness check responses are due within two weeks, while responses to design change reviews are due within six weeks. Missing these deadlines will result in request rejection, requiring a new design change review request to be submitted. This review request will not incur an additional payment.
If a project is temporarily unable to comply with the certified monitoring plan, or with specific deadlines, it may apply for an exception for a given process or monitoring period. Such deviations are granted on a project-by-project basis on the discretion of the Gold Standard Technical Advisory Committee or based on precedents already reviewed and published.
The procedure for submitting a deviation request is outlined in the Deviation Approval Requirements and Procedures. The deviation request form and the full list of published deviations can be viewed online.
Project developers seeking permanent changes to a registered project activity need to follow the Design Change Approval Process.
Submit the Deviation Request Form and all relevant supporting documentation to [email protected]. The request will be initially reviewed to check for precedents – if none exist it will be passed to Gold Standard Secretariat for review and elevated to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), if required.
To seek clarifications or an interpretation of the Gold Standard for the Global Goals requirements, fill-in the Clarification Request Form and submit to [email protected]. The submission will be reviewed by the team and a resolution will be provided within 10 working days. Please note that Gold Standard cannot give advice on project eligibility or how to best structure a project to meet requirements.
This process has been developed to formalise and expedite the process for answering queries and questions received daily. In time, resolved clarification requests deemed useful to other stakeholders will be made publicly available on the Gold Standard for the Global Goals website.