Tracking Preparedness: Launching the Gold Standard Carbon Market Regulations Tracker and Reflections from our Partners
The past few years have seen increasing convergence between voluntary and compliance markets globally, and a more active role for national governments in the regulation and use of carbon market mechanisms. Understanding and navigating this changing context is essential for all market actors, but it can be a challenge.
To support this, Gold Standard has launched a new Carbon Markets Regulations Tracker, with information and links to regulations in more than 30 jurisdictions globally, across all continents. The objective of this tracker is to increase visibility on regulations across continents for project developers, governments, and other market actors. The tracker is intended to support greater awareness and understanding of an increasing number of regulations globally, in order to enable compliance, inform decision-making and allow the identification of trends and best practice. This tracker was developed by South Pole, following a public procurement process.
In this webinar, we presented the Regulations Tracker, and hear reflections and experiences from our partners involved in this work on the key trends we are seeing in national regulations, their implications for different market actors, and what new developments to look out for in the future.
Hugh Salway, Senior Director, Market Development and Partnerships
Daniel Sachadonig, Consultant, Climate Policy, Finance and Markets, South Pole
Kavya Bajaj, Manager, Government Relations
Karolien Casaer-Diez, Global Senior Director, Article 6, South Pole
Greg Lydka Morris, Policy and Portfolio Manager, Abatable