Gold Standard

Carbon Market Regulations Tracker

Map Regulation Tracker-Updated February 2025

The Carbon Market Regulations Tracker is developed to enhance the understanding and transparency of carbon market regulations, and support governments, project developers, investors, and other market participants in navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.

The tracker serves as a central information hub, offering standardised summaries and direct links to relevant regulations concerning baseline-and-crediting market activities, within voluntary carbon markets and those under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. It includes both implemented and planned or consulted regulations but does not include carbon tax policies or emissions trading systems unless they involve carbon credits. The tracker is hosted on the Gold Standard website and will be regularly maintained to ensure it remains a relevant tool for fostering market certainty and facilitating knowledge sharing among key market stakeholders across jurisdictions.


The Carbon Market Regulations Tracker was first released in June 2024 under the "Enabling National Ownership in a High-Integrity Carbon Market" programme, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The tracker was developed by implementing partner South Pole.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, German Bundestag

You can download the data on the Carbon Market Regulations Tracker in spreadsheet format here.

Regulations tracker Summaries


The Americas



