UPDATED 27 June 2024

Take Responsibility for Residual Emissions Through Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM)

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM) is a way for companies to take responsibility for their unabated greenhouse gas emissions while reducing their climate impact in line with science.

Backed by WWF, Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Carbon Market Watch, and other leading NGOs, the approach complements value chain emission reductions through funding high-impact climate action that accelerates progress to a climate secure and sustainable world. 

While recent reports from SBTI on Beyond Value Chain Mitigation outlines high level principles, this guidance provides clear step-by step instructions:

  • How to account for and report on your unabated emissions
  • Different options and considerations for setting an internal carbon fee
  • How to find high quality climate action to support
  • How to make credible claims


If you want to understand more about Beyond Value Chain Mitigation you can review this one-page overview

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