Gold Standard


Women / Energy / Climate

Linking SDGs to drive finance to high impact projects

In partnership with Instituto Perene, Gold Standard has launched a new policy paper that shows how addressing SDG 5 to“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”can catalyse the achievement of many other Sustainable Development Goals.

For example, ensuring women’s participation and leadership in decision making can help address inequalities (SDG 10) and contribute to more peaceful and inclusive societies (SDG 16). It can also lead to improved social outcomes, like family health (SDG 3) and education (SDG 4). Giving women voice and agency can be transformative even in environmental management – from ecosystem conservation (SDG 15) to climate change mitigation (SDG 13).

Lessons learned from carbon markets demonstrate how strong standards and verified impacts can drive funding through results-based finance frameworks to help mainstream gender in the Agenda 2030.