Gold Standard


Scope 3 Value Chain Interventions Guidance

Enables reporting on emissions reductions toward performance targets, in line with common accounting frameworks like the GHG Protocol.

Many companies are motivated to set value-chain GHG emissions targets and report on their progress, using approaches such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Science Based Targets Initiative. As part of their reduction strategy, companies may employ 'Interventions' to help partners upstream and downstream reduce emissions. Yet to date, emission reductions at this level could not be accounted for in the leading GHG accounting frameworks. Thus, companies were not recognised, nor incentivised to invest in these types of projects or programmes. 

As part of our Value Change programme to catalyse climate-positive action in value chains, Danone, Gold Standard, Livelihoods Funds, Mars, the Science Based Targets initiative, TREES Consulting and UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH, have developed a guidance document that supports and enables companies to report on the emissions reductions from value chain Interventions, focusing on purchased goods and services. The Guidance covers how to identify and account for interventions, how to include the results in inventory reporting and how to communicate about the intervention. Built on Greenhouse Gas Protocol status and is designed to work alongside the Scope 3 Standard.