Gold Standard


MRV Report on Pilot Projects, Roadmap and Resources

This report details the digital monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) pilot projects within Chile's Reciclo Organicos program, specifically focusing on blockchain technology for the Copiulemu landfill gas project and the Molina biodigester project.

The pilots aimed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of digital technologies in enhancing or replacing traditional MRV services in waste management projects. Key outcomes include the successful deployment of Digital MRV software, capacity building among participants, involvement of Dell Technologies, and the creation of a guide for future Digital MRV pilots.

The report finds that Digital MRV can be more effective than conventional MRV in terms of credibility and reporting time, with economic efficiency dependent on the scale of implementation. With increasing demand for MRV services in carbon markets, Digital MRV offers cost savings and improved efficiency, particularly when replicated across multiple projects. The positive outlook for Digital MRV solutions suggests growing adoption and development in this field.