Gold Standard


Corporate Climate Stewardship Guidelines

With national commitments falling short of ambition of the Paris Agreement to keep temperature rises ‘well below 2 degrees’, bolder climate action is needed from non-state actors, with a growing focus on the private sector.

At the same time, business has an opportunity to reduce risk and meet growing expectations from investors, consumers and civil society by taking strong climate action.

Gold Standard has published “Corporate Climate Stewardship: Guidelines for best practice climate action” with CDP and WWF to help companies set ambitious strategies in the era of the Paris Agreement. Four key pillars to climate stewardship are highlighted:

  • MEASURE + DISCLOSE climate impact and risks
  • REDUCE climate impact and risk in line with science
  • FINANCE the global transition to a zero-carbon resilient economy
  • ADVOCATE for strong policy frameworks

Defining a corporate climate finance commitment This accompanying guide, Defining a corporate climate finance commitment focuses on the third pillar, “finance the global transition to a zero-carbon, resilient economy” and presents the rationale and guidance for business to engage in climate finance in the era of the Paris Agreement. 

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