Gold Standard

Partners and NGO supporters

Gold Standard thrives on collaboration and partnership. We work with a diverse array of organisations from both the private and the non-profit sectors. We harnessing the collective expertise, resources, and passion of our partners to amplify our impact on the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges.


Our work is supported by Charitable Giving
Swiss Confederation - Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Swedish Energy Agency logo
ISEAL Innovations Fund + Swiss Confederation
RCC Resilient Cities catalyst logo
Landscape Finance Lab Logo
NDC Partnership logo
Sustainable Development Solutions Network logo
International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA logo
Capitals Coalition logo
Panamá Republic - Environment Ministry Logo

NGO Supporters 

Gold Standard was founded by a group of NGOs and we continue to represent the interests of civil society in support of our vision for 'climate security and sustainable development for all.'

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Sign-up for our communications to find out more about our work and how to get involved.