Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the validation and verification steps and requirements, including the role of Objective Observer
The following clarifications have been made on the information required and approval process for simplified methodologies:
a. As per the clarified requirements, simplified methodology submissions will need to contain certain information, e.g. applicability conditions, description of the baseline, project scenario etc.
b. If the submitted simplified methodology requires external review, it will be processed under the fast track process as outlined in the impact quantification methodology approval procedure.
Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the following:
Co-issuance of products e.g. GS-VERs and RECs, ODA declaration
Data used for Grid Emission Factors must be the most recent available at the time of submission of the project for validation. The data vintage for other purposes is, if not mentioned specifically in the requirements, the most recent available at time of first submission of the project to Gold Standard i.e. for preliminary review
Aggregation of crediting periods, when the project has been certified under multiple schemes/standards, shall not be greater than the Gold Standard crediting period
Process for issuance of PERs under LUF scope: added reference to the Performance Shortfall Guidelines; added clarification on the process of PERs issuance in Annex C
2. Gold Standard has adopted the CDM definition on thresholds for Type 1 (Renewable Energy), Type 2 (Energy Efficiency) and Type 3 (Other) small-scale and micro-scale projects, based on cap at unit/device level.
3. Requirements on converting CERs to Gold Standard labelled CERs or transitioning CDM projects to Gold Standard for the Global Goals have been simplified for easier adoption.
Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the following:
Single area project and group project
Project start
Eligibility criteria
FSC dual certification
Secured titles
New Area Certification
Specific Safeguarding Principles and Requirements
Crediting period and cycle
Financial additionality and ongoing financial need
Procedures to address uncertainty of LUF parameters
Requirements for smallholder and microscale projects
Guidelines to conduct a spatial forest/non-forest assessment
2. Terminology on projects boundaries has been updated for LUF projects. The term “planting area” refers only to A/R projects and was confusing for agricultural projects. Therefore, terminology has been updated from “Project area = planting area + non-eligible area (rivers, roads, conservation area)” to “Project area = eligible area + non-eligible area”. Eligible area is now a common term to all LUF projects, and in the case of A/R refers to the planting area.
3. Requirements of shapefiles to be submitted by project type have been harmonised for A/R and Agriculture projects. Also, it is now indicated which shapefiles must be submitted at each certification stage.
4. Requirements applicable to smallholders and microscale projects have been consolidated into one single section. Also, some requirements have been deleted as they were a duplication of what is already represented in the LUF Activity Requirements.
5. The Terms and Definitions section has been updated to include only one section on Project Area, which applies to either A/R or Agriculture projects.
6. All sections regarding the certification of New Areas have been compiled into one single section. And additional guidance (on the process) has been provided.
Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the following aspects of GS PoAs:
CDM requirements as listed in the PoA standard for Programme of Activities must be used when specific requirements are not listed in the Gold Standard Programme of Activity Requirements.
Time of first submission, duration and crediting period of GS PoAs and GS CDM PoAs
Regular and retroactive VPA/VPA certification cycle steps
Version of additionality tool and methodology to be applied
PoA/VPA/CPA level stakeholder consultation
Application of safeguarding principles and requirements
Selection of multiple methodologies for application within the same PoA
Sample based approach for site-visit by VVB at time of inclusion/renewal of PoA/CPA/VPA has been explained and list of issues to be considered for using this approach are mentioned.
Design change rules and fee.
2. Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the following aspects of Gold Standard micro-PoAs:
Harmonisation of key terms and clarification on the following:
additionality and ongoing financial need
additional eligibility criteria for specific project types.
2. Introduction of new eligibility requirements for RE projects – RE projects submitted for Gold Standard certification are required to meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify. Exceptions to the rule maybe provided under certain circumstances. The list of eligibility criteria is provided in the document.
3. Waste incineration and gasification is now allowed if the additional criteria for eligibility (as listed in the document) are met.
The text in this document has been re-arranged to make the requirements clearer to Project Developers and VVBs. The assessment questions are provided in the form of a checklist before the main requirements. The assessment questions must be answered as per the requirements that follow later in the document.
The Stakeholder Consultation Requirements and Guidelines have been split into 2 documents:
The stakeholder consultation and engagement requirements: Provide the core rules that must be followed in planning, conducting a stakeholder consultation for all GS projects and follow-up after the consultation meeting has been done.
The stakeholder consultation and engagement guidelines: Support the requirements by providing additional guidance on how each requirement of the stakeholder consultation and engagement process can be met.