Gold Standard


SDG Impact Tools development: Open call

Gold Standard issues open call to invite partners to co-develop user-friendly IT-based systems that ensure credibility and comparability in SDG claims for projects in carbon markets.

To ensure market mechanisms effectively channel finance to high-impact projects and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a meaningful way, while also stemming the emergence of “SDG washing”, quantification and claims of sustainable development outcomes must be rigorous, credible and yet simple to achieve.

To this end, Gold Standard has initiated the development of IT-based SDG Impact Tools to:

  • Ensure SDG impact claims made by projects are accurate and credible
  • Standardise impact indicators and quantification approaches to allow for clear comparison of project performance
  • Celebrate multiple SDG impacts while minimising the extra burden of MRV
  • Provide a user-friendly interface for monitoring, quantification + reporting

The first phase of the SDG Impact Tools programme features guidance co-developed with support from myclimate, Climate Seed, the Swedish Energy Agency, and UN SDSN - to inform impact and indicator identification and tool development. Gold Standard is now seeking partners to form working groups for various activity types, including community services, renewable energy, land use and more.

How to get involved:

1. Read an overview of the SDG Impact Tools programme
2. Review the open call for development partners
3. Submit your expressions of interest to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is 14th June 2019, with the intention to commence work (subject to completeness of funding) during Q3 2019 and beyond.