Gold Standard


Request for Proposal: Supporting initial authorisations under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Following the adoption of Article 6 guidance at COP26, Gold Standard is preparing to support the generation and transaction of mitigation outcomes that will be authorised by host countries for use under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. As part of this, Gold Standard has established an 'Article 6 Early movers programme' to provide technical support and facilitate knowledge sharing to support the first applications of Article 6. 

We are now seeking an implementing partner, to lead on the following tasks:

  1. Support engagement between 2-4 identified project developers and relevant host countries, towards the authorisation under Article 6 of emission reductions generated by an existing or planned mitigation activity.
  2. Produce a public report summarising lessons learned and best-practice actions and models identified through the above-mentioned engagement, for the benefit of other actors seeking to apply Article 6 guidance.

The intended purpose of these tasks is to demonstrate proof-of-concept of the application of Article 6.2 guidance, and to generate knowledge and information that can support its application by other actors in a robust, high-integrity manner.

More information, including expected outputs, timelines and the process to apply for this opportunity can be found in the Request for Proposal. Completed proposals need to be submitted to Hugh Salway no later than 08 March 2022 - 18:00 CET.

This has been established through funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environmental, Nature Conversation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).