Gold Standard


Impact fund requirements pilot launched

New impact requirements have been developed by Gold Standard to support funds in measuring, managing and maximising the sustainable development impact of its investments. Applications are now being accepted from fund managers interested in taking part in the pilot of the requirements.

Impact management requires a fund to define an investment strategy that delivers both financial and positive social and environmental change and can be used to enhance financial and ESG data since they are two different types of metrics. The new Gold Standard impact fund requirements have been developed for fund managers wanting to make a positive contribution to sustainable development and towards achieving the SDGs through one or more of their funds.

Gold Standard requirements ensure best practice impact investing that builds on IFC safeguards, UNDP Equity Standard, OECD Blended Finance approaches and best practice in the market - providing support from initial strategy design, through to project screening, feasibility, implementation and exit.

The requirements focus on process delivery and are part of Gold Standard’s growth in the sustainable finance arena. Gold Standard works with investors and national governments supporting sustainable project development, to create optimal enabling conditions to attract climate finance, and with impact investors to de-risk funds through robust measurement and reporting of impacts.

The two-year pilot phase will comprise of up to five funds over a two-year period. The fund and impact management team will gain insights into best practice impact management, measurement and maximisation, using the full suite of Gold Standard tools at subsidised costs.

Documentation and application process

The documents below provide the essential information including all the requirements to be met during the pilot phase, eligible investment checklists and guidance on designing an impact fund. 

Funds seeking to join the piloting phase, please review the ToRs and contact [email protected]

Other interested stakeholders (for example civil society, academic, governmental), please contact [email protected]

Applications will close at the end of 2022.

Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Details
Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Product Specification Requirements

Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Design Document
Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Investment Checklist

Fund Requirements Pilot Phase – Fund Certification Process

Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Terms of Reference

Fund Requirements Pilot Phase - Abbreviations and Glossary