Our response: This claim materially misrepresents the methodology this project applies to quantify impact. This methodology takes into account the baseline scenario to calculate its emission factors. This includes monitoring surveys to assess the changes in cooking practice/patterns. In particular, pre-project device usage (sometimes called “stacking”) is accounted for in emission reduction calculations.
It is essential to understand that having a gas stove does not necessarily mean it is used. There can be several barriers, including behavioural patterns, cooking preferences, and cost, which can inform the full adoption of different cooking solutions. That is why carbon credit projects feature ongoing monitoring and independent verification, as this one does. Again, the methodology has provisions to address pre-project device use for emission reduction calculation. Your claim is based on a lack of full understanding of all the data and is, therefore, misleading. In addition, its key conclusion – that the methodology does not take into account the gas stoves – is false. We request that this is corrected.
Our response: Gold Standard, and our broader assurance system, which includes certification provider SustainCERT, takes non-conformity very seriously. The claim that calculations ‘can be rigged’ or that emissions reductions are ‘largely illusory’ is unsubstantiated in your article.
Since you appear not to have any specific evidence of manipulations, we ask that you remove such insinuations from the reporting.
If you, or Mr Counsell, do have the required evidence, this should properly be channeled via SustainCERT’s complaints and grievance process. This requires detailed descriptions of any alleged non-compliance: https://www.sustain-cert.com/home/complaints-appeals/
We ask that you amend your report with immediate effect and that, in the future, you give Gold Standard the courtesy of responding to allegations before you publish them.