Gold Standard

Support our projects to fight the climate crisis, protect the environment, and help people in need

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Gold Standard-certified carbon credits fund climate protection projects that reduce Greenhouse gas emissions AND create sustainable development benefits for the communities that need it most. Each Gold Standard project has a verified contribution towards at least three of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our high-quality credits offer purchasers peace of mind and confidence in the projects they choose to support.

Independently rated as having the most robust safeguards and best sustainable development measures in the carbon market, every Gold Standard project makes a measurable contribution towards at least three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
We all have an impact on the planet and we can all play a part on the journey towards a more sustainable world. Learn about ways you can reduce your impact, and how buying Gold Standard carbon credits supports climate protection projects and their contribution to sustainable development.
Proceeds from carbon credits sold from Gold Standard’s Marketplace go direct to project developers, enabling them to maintain and expand their projects and deliver more impact.