Gold Standard

Activity Scopes

Community service projects provide or improve access to basic social services at household, community or institutional level
Afforestation/reforestation projects provide a natural climate solution that not only absorb CO2 from the atmosphere but create local jobs in forest management and conserve vital ecosystems. Projects can include tree planting, single-species plantations, silvicultural systems and agriculture.
Gold Standard renewable energy projects must supply energy to a national or a regional grid from non-fossil and renewable energy sources. 
Water benefit activities include projects which provide access to clean and safe water, particularly in developing countries using the Gold Standard Foundation’s Water Benefit Standard. And practices specific to an adaptation of a particular planting method for sugarcane.
Gold Standard provides a methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from manure management activities. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits.
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