Gold Standard

Pioneering Article 6 Implementation with Sweden

Read the Partnership media release Gold Standard and the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) entered into a partnership in 2021 to support the Swedish Government’s acquisition of quality Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, aiming to serve as a model for broader international cooperation in mitigating climate change.

This marked the first time a national government partnered with an international crediting programme to produce emission reductions to meet their national target through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. It marks a significant step forward for Article 6.2 cooperation, pioneering new approaches to address market barriers while setting the bar high in terms of quality of units and promotion of sustainable development.

Under this partnership, Gold Standard established and worked with an independent expert working group on alignment of the Paris Agreement, introduced new functionality Registry functionality to support Article 6 units within the Gold Standard Impact Registry, published – in partnership with EY Law - Carbon credit rights under the Paris Agreement a paper on rights related to carbon credits in the context of Article 6, and is developing a digital SDG Impact Tool to help project developers credibly quantify, verify, track and report on SDG impacts.

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