Gold Standard


Accelerating the renewables transition - Gold Standard label for I-RECs that also delivers impact toward the SDGs

Gold Standard has launched a new label for energy attribute certificates (EAC), designed to bring greater impact to renewable energy markets, to be issued under the new standard 'Gold Standard for the Global Goals.' The label will be launched for use on the I-REC Standard platform but could be expanded to other EAC markets. An EAC with a Gold Standard label will provide assurance that the underlying renewable energy projects are developed to the highest quality in terms of environmental integrity, stakeholder inclusivity and safeguards, while also delivering and quantifying impact toward multiple Sustainable Development Goals. 

This webinar will address the impetus for developing this label for the I-REC standard, its technical specifications, including project eligibility criteria and tracking systems. We’ll also discuss the claims - how purchasers can demonstrate and be recognised for their investment, which makes a direct contribution to the transition to a renewable energy future by adding new renewable capacity to the grid.


  1. Why a label for I-RECs? Moving from renewable energy choice to best-practice and increased impact – Jared Braslawsky, RECS International 
  2. The business case for procuring Gold Standard-labeled I-RECs – Gian Autenrieth, Portfolio Manager, Renewable Energy, The South Pole Group
  3. What’s different, what can be claimed – Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer, Gold Standard
  4. Open Q&A


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    Jared Braslawsky, RECS International

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    Gian Autenrieth, Portfolio Manager, Renewable Energy, The South Pole Group

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    Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer, Executive