Gold Standard


Low carbon commodities: Accounting for the climate impact of certified goods

  • Date Sep 7, 2021 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Time 16:00 - 17:00 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Location Geneva, Switzerland
  • Hosted by Gold Standard

This webinar will feature the first outputs of Gold Standard’s collaboration with ISEAL Code Compliant sustainability standards including the Better Cotton Initiative, FSC, and others to incentivise climate action upstream in corporate value chains.

We will introduce key principles and insights from a soon to be published, “Accounting + Reporting the Climate Impact of Certified Commodities”, which provides guidance for ISEAL members and corporate purchasers of their goods on how to quantify carbon emission reductions in their production processes – both energy and land use – in line with the GHG Protocol and counting toward their climate commitments, including Science Based Targets

  • Introduction and objectives of the collaboration
  • Overview of guidance series and key principles of accounting for emissions factors for certified commodities
  • How impact benefits can be shared across value chain - from producers and sustainability standards to companies and their consumers
  • Pilot case study progress

This initiative is made possible thanks to a grant from the ISEAL Innovations Fund, which is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.