Gold Standard


IPI impACT Conference

  • Date Nov 12, 2019 - Dec 11, 2019 (Europe/Paris)
  • Time 12:15 - 14:15 (Europe/Paris)
  • Location Paris, France

Accelerating practical action
The science, policy, and practice of Nature-Based solutions

Accounting for nature-based solutions and gaining recognition for investments into healthy ecosystems in the context of claiming carbon neutrality

Some companies are starting to set long-term net-zero commitments that reflect an aspiration to radically transform their businesses and to develop new business models that create value without generating greenhouse gas emissions. Several efforts have been undertaken to navigate the implications of the transition towards a net-zero economy for businesses. Despite the number of resources available, carbon neutrality is a concept that remains ambiguous in the corporate context, interpreted in various, sometimes conflicting ways.

In this interactive session, we will identify and discuss a set of principles to inform the development of a common framework that drives ambition while ensuring scientific accuracy, environmental robustness, credibility and rigor to net-zero climate commitments and claims within the corporate sector.


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    Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer, Executive

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    Alexander Farsan, Global Lead Science-based Targets, WWF