Gold Standard


Innovate4Climate: Emerging digital technologies for post-2020 climate markets

  • Date Jul 15, 2020 (America/Kentucky/Louisville)
  • Time 16:00 - 18:00 (America/Kentucky/Louisville)

Future climate markets will differ substantially from those we have today; how will they look after 2020? How can cooperation in climate markets be designed to help countries with their climate plans? The changing landscape of climate markets under the Paris Agreement resulted in a big push for innovative solutions and provide opportunities to leverage emerging technologies to support the post-2020 architecture for markets.

This session will bring together different technology and climate experts to explore how innovative technology applications could support the long-term vision to develop broad, deep and liquid climate markets.

Automating the MRV process

DLT for climate markets 

Digital carbon credit rating process


Martin Weinstein

Overview of key issues

Keisuke Iyadomi

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    Martin Weinstein, Lead Scientist, Yale Openlab (TBC)

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    Keisuke Iyadomi, World Bank Group

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    Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer, Executive

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    Susan David Carevic, World Bank Group

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    Marion Verles, CEO, SustainCERT