Gold Standard


Financial Times Moral Money Europe Summit

  • Date May 19, 2022 - May 20, 2022 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Time 00:00 - 00:00 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Location In-Person & Digital | The Biltmore Mayfair, London, UK
  • Hosted by Financial Times


Environmental, social and governance strategies are now more complex than ever. And the pressure is piling on companies, investors and policy makers. Post-COP26, and in the face of war in Ukraine , the calls for change are growing louder, and pledges are being put under the microscope. The time to make ESG a reality is now, but is the market willing and ready?

Gold Standard will be participating at the Moral Money Summit Europe, which connects asset owners, corporates, regulators and industry advisors as they gather to take the pulse of ESG and unlock its potential.

Build Back Braver - How can global wealth be used more productively to achieve ESG goals?

Felicity Spors, Head of Sustainable Finance will join a closed-door session, hosted in partnership with McKinsey & Company, that will explore the extent to which investors, businesses and policy makers can rebalance the allocation of global wealth towards positively impacting ESG issues.