Gold Standard


Development of carbon crediting markets – an overview

  • Date Mar 19, 2025 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Time 13:00 - 16:00 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Location Online
  • Hosted by Gold Standard

Do you know your CERs from your VERs? Have you ever wondered where the idea for carbon crediting came from? Are you interested in learning more about where carbon markets may be heading?

Masterclass March-May 2025

Join this masterclass exploring the development of carbon crediting markets, from the origins through to the present day and beyond. Over three hours, we’ll dive into the economic rationale behind carbon credits, the evolution of the market through four distinct phases from the early 1990s until today, and look forward towards what may be coming. There’ll be lots of time to answer participant questions.

This masterclass will be led by Pablo Fernandes, CEO of EcoSecurities. Pablo has more than 20 years of experience in climate finance and carbon markets, stretching back to the start of the CDM. Don't miss this chance to hear first-hand reflections on how the carbon market has developed over the past two decades!

A detailed agenda will be shared with registered participants before the event.

This masterclass series is part of Gold Standard’s Enabling National Ownership in a High-Integrity Carbon Market programme supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany (BMWK).
