Gold Standard


Corporate Investments into Forestry & Biodiversity Summit

  • Date Sep 8, 2021 - Sep 9, 2021 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Time 17:30 - 18:30 (Europe/Zurich)
  • Location Online
  • Hosted by CIFB

Taking a deep dive into the practicalities of investment into forestry and biodiversity as a route to net-zero. This is the first event solely focused on corporate investments into carbon sequestration! What are the leaders doing in this space and what can you learn from them? What does industry have to offer the marketplace that works?

Biodiversity and Non-Rainforest Landscapes

11:30 EDT / 17:30 CEST

Gold Standard’s Head of Sustainable Finance, Felicity Spors will participate in a panel on Biodiversity and Non-Rainforest Landscapes, exploring the challenges and opportunities of investing in new arenas like coral reefs, peatlands, mangroves, and more. With speakers from the Landscape Finance Lab, UNEP Climate Finance Unit, EcoValue, and Commonland.