Gold Standard


Additionality in the context of NDCs

  • Date Mar 9, 2022 (Europe/London)
  • Time 16:00 - 16:45 (Europe/London)
  • Location London, United Kingdom
  • Hosted by Climate Care

Gold Standard’s Head of Environmental Markets, Hugh Salway, will join Natural Capital Partners, ClimateCare and Verra on an webinar to explore how the hurdle of additionality may change for carbon projects and how baselines will shift as the climate ambition of nations rise to meet targets to limit global warming.

Over the two decades that the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) has operated, national policies have started to mandate climate action in many geographies and areas of the economy. Is the scale of national and sub-national climate policy in today’s Paris Agreement era changing how the leading offsetting standards understand additionality? There is a gap between the NDCs of countries and the actual policies national governments have in place, how do the standards handle this when it comes to assessing additionality? The VCM is an innovative and ambitious market by nature, how have additionality requirements evolved over time to arrive where they are today?

The additionality test applied to every project is one of the main tools to ensure that the VCM delivers climate impact and contributes to our global transformation. For a project to earn carbon credits, it must be proven additional, meaning it would not have happened without the carbon finance.

Further webinars in the series will cover what corporate climate leaders need to understand to know quality carbon credits when they see them: additionality, baselines, leakage, monitoring, and permanence.

Join this webinar to hear from some of the leading standards on the changing landscape of additionality in the VCM. For more information visit Climate Care webinar page

Speakers and panellists
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    Hugh Salway, Senior Director, Market Development and Partnerships

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    Andrew Howard, Senior Director, Climate Finance and Markets, Verra


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    Saskia Feast, Ph.D., Managing Director, Global Client Solutions