Gold Standard


Accounting for value chain climate action - key learnings from the Gold Standard Apparel Working Group

  • Date Oct 19, 2020 (America/Los_Angeles)
  • Time 15:00 - 17:00 (America/Los_Angeles)

The momentum for climate action aligned with the 1.5 degree warming target of the Paris Agreement is growing through the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). SBTs are already proving to be transformative for the textile industry. Collaborative initiatives, such as the Fashion Charter for Climate Action or the Fashion Pact have committed their members to singing SBTs. For the fashion industry, the greatest challenge lies in addressing Scope 3 emissions arising in the supply chain - as approximately 40% of global GHG emissions occur from companies’ Scope 3 emissions.

In this session South Pole and The Gold Standard will share key learnings and outcomes of the Value Chain Intervention Apparel Working Group in order to empower more textile companies to take action in their supply chain. This breakout session will give apparel companies the opportunity to get insights into possible emission reduction projects that they can implement in their supply chain and how these can count towards achieving their SBTs. As part of this session, two real-life case studies will be presented by two apparel companies participating in the working group as speakers. The case studies will highlight the game changing transformative nature of supply chain engagement in these critical landscapes,

  • while also showing the challenges and lessons learned.
  • Participants will:
  1. learn about best practices regarding defining credible emission reduction interventions across the supply chain
  2. walk away with 2-3 specific material case studies informing ways of integrating these interventions into their corporate GHG accounting inventory.

For more information, contact SustainCERT