Gold Standard


Value Chain Interventions: Guidance for Soil Organic Carbon

  • Consultation Period 31 Dec 2018 - 31 Jan 2019
  • Submission Deadline 31 Jan 2019
  • Scope Activity Climate Action

This guidance is designed to support the Value Chains Interventions Guidance, with specific focus on how to select and apply methods for the quantification of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC).  SOC represents one of the most significant opportunities to mitigate climate change, particularly through application in company supply chain programmes. This Guidance provides a step-wise approach to SOC measurement and reporting in the context of the Interventions Guidance, in the context of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The Guidance has been drafted by Danone, Gold Standard, Livelihoods Funds, Mars, TREES Consulting and UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. It has been supported and overseen by an Expert Working Group, including soil scientists, practitioners and companies.


1. Does the Guidance provide a clear and pragmatic approach to selecting SOC quantification and reporting methods?

2. While the Guidance cannot recommend a specific quantification method, would a recognition or benchmarking by Gold Standard be useful to reporting companies?

3. How should companies approach the rapidly evolving science of SOC and what risks may be present in doing so?

4. What further Guidance would you like to see developed, either within this document or as a separate piece of work?

How to submit your consultation

The objective is to seek general feedback on the Guidance. See description above for full details. Please send your consultation via email to Owen Hewlett - please note that all feedback will be shared transparently at the closure of the consultation. If you prefer your feedback to be anonymous (i.e. that your organization/name will not be published alongside your feedback) please clearly state in your submission email. 

Consultation documentation

  • 2018-10 Value chain interventions soc guidelines

Reference documentation

  • Value Chain Interventions Guidance