UPDATED 21 Jun 2024

Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Activity Module for Zero Tillage

  • CONSULTATION PERIOD 04 Jul 2023 - 04 Aug 2023
  • SCOPE ACTIVITY Climate ActionLife on land
Image of a field

This activity module is proposed to be globally applicable for activities that grow crops or pasture without mechanically disturbing the soil through tillage. Zero till not only enhances soil carbon sequestration, but GHG emissions are also reduced through the decreased use of fossil fuels in field preparation. In line with the SOC Framework Methodology, this SOC Activity Module only accounts for benefits in the soil organic carbon pool. No other pools or emission reductions (e.g. in N2O due to reduced fertilizer need or reduced fossil fuel use) can be accounted as benefits.

In the baseline situation, a farmer applies conventional or conservation tillage practices whereby soil disturbance is caused by applying instruments. The project introduces the zero tillage/ no-till practice which applies direct seeding of crops in a field without mechanical disturbance of the soil.

This SOC Activity Module prescribes to use Approach 1 to estimate SOC stock levels, but allows to use Approach 2, applying project-specific datasets, parameters and/or models to quantify baseline and project SOC stock levels, with requirements to include verification measurements for baseline and project impact. Approach 3 (IPCC defaults) is not allowed under this Activity Module.

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