Gold Standard


Agriculture product processing methodology

  • Consultation Period 28 Feb 2013 - 30 Mar 2013
  • Submission Deadline 30 Mar 2013
  • Scope Activity Zero HungerAffordable and Clean EnergyIndustry, innovation and Infrastructure

Due to a lack of infrastructure and access to energy, some processing facilities are unable to produce agricultural products to project service levels in a baseline situation. This methodology allows the project activities to claim emission reductions based on the amount of agricultural products processed in the project scenario. We seek your valuable input to ensure the methodology is conservative, easy to apply and widely applicable to project activities.

How to submit your consultation

Feedback was submitted by emailing input to Gold Standard or filling in the question response boxes provided under each section, submitting inputs in a table at the end of the document, inserting comments or suggested amendments with track change mode.

Consultation documentation

  • Feedback for Processing Agricultural Products Consultation