Gold Standard

Request for Proposals

Interface to make Gold Standard Adaptation Framework easy to understand and use

  • Deadline Nov 15, 2024 at 18:00 (European Central Time GMT+1:00)
  • Scope Activity Climate Action


The Adaptation Requirements focus on designing quality adaptation projects through hazard analysis and risk assessment, that also consider the best available science, adaptive capacity and engagement of local stakeholders, climate change education and the resilience of technologies or materials utilised. Overall, the requirements aim to incentivise, identify and value projects or portfolios which support communities to adapt for future climate risks and mobilise investments for such projects. The adaptation Framework documentation can be found as an attachment to this RFP for reference.

The objective of this project is to create an intuitive and user-friendly platform that serves two primary purposes:

1.     To clarify the adaptation framework in simple terms for potential users alongside Gold Standard Adaptation team, whilst also allowing for tabs or options to pull down more detailed guidance and clarification on framework requirements, if the user needs this.

2.     To enable users to complete the necessary documentation for auditing purposes should they wish to pursue Gold Standard pilot certification.

RfP documents

  • RFP - Adaptation Framework HTML interface
  • Climate Adaptation Requirements Pilot
  • Guidance - Climate Adaptation Requirements Pilot v.0.1
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    Caitlin Drake , Officer, Sustainable Finance & Innovation

    [email protected]
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    Tanaka Tabassum, Senior Manager, Programmes, Sustainable Finance & Innovation