Gold Standard


Market Assessment: Funding short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) reductions and other Sustainable Development Goal impacts linked to clean cooking and heating.

Results of research to assess demand for funding short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) reductions and other Sustainable Development Goal impacts linked to clean cooking and heating. 

With the Paris Climate Agreement and the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, and Gold Standard identified the need to investigate how the multiple SDG impacts of clean cooking and heating technologies—from SLCP reductions to improved health to advances in gender equality—could be packaged and brought to market for funders to drive finance to projects on the ground. To meet this need, we conducted an assessment that included a comprehensive survey, 1:1 interviews, webinars, and desk-based research to uncover key trends and opportunities. 

The Market Assessment report explores the potential to direct funding to these additional SDG benefits delivered by clean cooking and heating technologies. The report’s key conclusion is clear: The SDGs resonate with a broad base of potential funders and monetising SLCPs and other SDG impacts from clean cooking and heating technologies is a viable strategy to drive finance to these interventions.